Sunday, June 15, 2008

Flea bites – my Egyptian nemesis

These little microscopic buggers love me but thankfully not my children or wife. Sweet white meat, or maybe they like beer smell after a session in pub? These are a summer time plague to me. I had similar experiences in Tripoli Libya, but not in United Arab Emirates or Oman. I can get bites at any location outside, but seems they invade the house too. How, is unknown to me. Maybe they just hitch a ride on anyone, then jump to the sofas, rugs etc. Can’t blame dog, as had same problems before had a dog.

If you have these bites you will know as they itch, then will weep water out as body rejects what ever the flea bugger stuck in, So use anti-itch cream and to guard against infection, Canesten cream - I call this the magic cream for anything skin related. After the first attack my first line of defense is to expose all areas of sofas, chairs, rugs etc. and bomb the house with Raid crawling insect spray. Has been effective every year but may need to repeat treatments.

If you are affected in similar way likely not a good idea to don the speedo swim gear and head to pool, as others my think you have some sort of catchy disease. However, on the upside, you will likely have pool to yourself.

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