I'm here to talk about the family let's start off with the families dogs..I mean the pets :P
Whiskey and Soda : this is me with Whiskey - Whiskey with Soda pic later
Well if any of you read dad's blog about
whiskey and soda you would know they are two cocker spaniels whiskey ( male) soda ( female). We will probably be expecting a few puppies in about 59 days..plus or minus 5 days as an expert vet says. Anyway..whiskey is starting to get a little jealous of soda even though we take care of them both equally ( promise =] ) today they were fighting because i was petting them both at the same time but when i pet one on its own they are fine...weird..for you guys not for us we are Morrison's nothing gets weirder than us :p I've realized soda to be very quiet these days doesn't play us much doesn't run as much so that is why we are expecting puppies =] .
Now on to the family..OH NO!
Jasmine AKA jazz , jazzy , gazamine and a whole lot of other names is in Scotland right now with our older half sister Jill and our 8 year old nephew Arryn ..what a hand full for Jill and i don't mean Arryn hehe Jazzy is helping out in the shop .. THAT'S WHAT WE THINK SHE'S DOING!
no she probably is helping out but we only get to chat with her at 6:00 pm our time 4:00 pm their time but we call her from time to time..lucky her i'm stuck here with the family OH NO! haha
Daddy AKA darell dad papa papi ( papi = to annoy him ) and believe me A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER NAMES =P just joking papi
he has been busy making dvd's but he just can find the right DVD labels..good luck with that =p he said he and I would be making stencils together ( he said that like what 2 weeks ago ) we still
Mommy AKA mom cook chef wifey ( wifey = for dad :p )
mom has been up to alot lately she's been doing mucho woodwork and painting which really can be exhausting even when you think about it it's exhausting like carrying like 10 pieces of wood every where you go take it from point A to point B to point C to point D to point E and so on until you get back to point A with a whole new set of 10 pieces of wood - poor her..=[ but she did go out one night and she had fun she went out dancing she deserved it =]
and finally
Iris AKA clueless skittles, iroushi, irousa, retarded ( retarded = my name when jazzy is around)
My birthday is coming up on august 4th i cant wait!
i've also been singing and playing the guitar alot lately i'm getting a microphone and an amplifier for my birthday i begged my mom. i haven't been up to much more actually i gave my toy doll a black eye with make up this morning though =]
WELL THAT'S IT FOR TODAY FOLKS ( as they say on looney tunes )
dad told me to write a blog not a lifetime story but..i'm a Morrison WE ARE WEIRD!
i hope you liked my " blog " it was fun to write..i started writing i couldn't stop know i see dad seriously has to get off his addiction to...........BLOGGING!! he probably tells you that in all his blogs anyway though hehe!
see ya later
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