Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Power of Google - a benefit for all in my opinion

Enjoyed watching "Elizabeth the Golden Years" movie on TV, and being bit of history buff thought to check out the details of the Spanish Armada for historical accuracy. Google books came to mind, so searched and sure enough the site popped up. Searched Spanish Armada and a host of publications came to view, but ones I saw were copywrite so only had snippets, or teasers, to purchase. But then saw on left side a choice to restrict search for "Public Domain Only". Walla - found full text books and choose to read one published in 1806 - fully digitized by Google. What a great experience reading a book written about 200 years ago. Thanks Google!!!!!!! And also great to know the full history details of Spanish Armada defeat.

I have also been playing with Google Docs - if you haven't take some time. Really some nice features like sharing documents, uploading any document to save, or share, and it resides free on Google Server. Also found out how to send invitation form to people and have their responses show in a spreadsheet for easy reference. Have a go - I have not quite figured all of out yet but seems very useful if one has a need.

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