Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paying Bills In Cairo - e-commerce is coming - but ever so slowly

Compared to North America, e-commerce is about 15+ years behind in Egypt. It seems only a few years ago the banks here invented telephone banking but it really did not work. Then HSBC arrived with Internet banking and man I joined this bank in heart beat.

Egyptians have a huge distrust of each other so why on earth would they trust the internet. The up and coming generation is more switch on, so likely another decade or two, before e-commerce comes of age.

Telephone Bills - Egypt telecon e-pay has been up and down like a yo yo but as of this date is working again. Egypt Telecom I can't get the multiple invoice thing to work but can pay easily with single lines. You need a local visa or master card. You will get a email receipt. A note is the land line bill now is posted monthly instead of quarterly. If you sign up for newsletter on site you are supposed to receive a invoice by email - seems this is not working at moment but was, and maybe soon, is good reminder to pay. If you miss a payment, or late, you still need to go to Telecom office to pay by cash. bummer.

ADSL - Tedata e-pay is also working.

Orbit Showtime - what a bummer these people are. Had to go to CNE office in New Maadi and waited 45 minutes for my turn as only had one person working and slow as molasses. These companies have captive market since now joined with virtually no competition being a monopoly. The anti-monopoly law here is the biggest joke ever. Maybe Al Jazzera will make a competitive entry in the market in Egypt soon.

Electric and Gas bills - will likely never change as man has to come and read meters, bring bill, collect cash etc.

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