Tuesday, February 23, 2010


這部紀錄片從去年莫拉克之後的九月開始募款籌備,十月開始進行攝製的工作,歷經不到五個月完成紀錄片。本片不為得獎或學術研究,不以二至三年完成應有篇 幅,原因是希望能夠在今年的颱風季節來臨之前,已於全台灣各地完成巡迴演出,讓台灣面對夏季災難全民及政府有更好的認知和準備。

影 片總共分成七個大段落,第一個大段落整理過去半年來全球令人驚異的氣候變遷現象。第二個大段落,從科學家的角度,引用中央研究院以及IPCC的報告解釋這 些現象為何產生。第三個階段回到台灣必須面對的幾大真相,包括台灣人口密度世界第二,只比孟加拉低,非常多貧窮的人口被迫居住本來不適合人居住,而且很危 險的地方。第二個台灣必須面對的真相是台灣的土地侵蝕率非常的高,每年2%,排名世界前十名。第三個,台灣位於亞洲颱風鏈島上,每一年的颱風,都是三到四 個規模。換句話說,當全球暖化愈來愈嚴重,暴雨暴風極端現象愈明顯的時候,台灣因為本身很特殊的因素,災難將比中國、日本等其他亞洲國家嚴峻。未來,颱風 變得會越來越強,雨量會越來越極端,大旱後就是暴雨,熱浪後緊接著寒冬,台灣民眾居住的土地侵蝕率會越來越嚴重,莫拉克不會是唯一。

紀 錄片並且比較了台灣與荷蘭面對全球暖化的準備。荷蘭於1953年曾經歷類似莫拉克風災的災害,結果荷蘭建立了一個全世界最著名、史上沒有人可超越的千年水 利工程,當年荷蘭訂出的叫做「千年防洪標準」;但荷蘭人,在五年前,正式的認清,這個「千年」,在氣候變遷下,連二十年都不足以面對。於是荷蘭啟動了新的 國土規劃,預算規模超過國防預算,把原來填出來的土地還給大海,「還土於海」、「還土於河」,並且「與水共存」,發明水上房屋,準備好面對2035年海平 面上升後的新地球生態。

紀錄片並且於2010年1月莫拉克後五個月回到風災時被稱作是煉獄的地方林邊,我們看到至今仍然淤積高於路面、 橋樑的河床,非常憂心政府的效率。紀錄片同時結合台大水工所教授及學生的研究,空拍了台灣的石門水庫,由於歷次風災,包含這次莫拉克風災淤塞南部的曾文水 庫、南化水庫。五年前桃芝風災淤塞了石門水庫,使水庫承受極端雨量的能力一次比一次少。以台北的石門水庫為例,目前極限容量僅至1500毫米,未來只要雨 量破1500公釐,尤其雨量全於短時間內突然驟下,石門水庫甚至有重大的潰霸危機。而所謂1500毫米,只是莫拉克阿里山雨量的一半多一點,也是去年九月 宜蘭寒溪測得的雨量總值。

這部紀錄片希望訴求的是所有關心台灣氣候變遷的觀眾們。我們一直期待好的領導者,但當一個民主國家沒有好的公 民,民選的國家領袖就不太可能出現大改變的政策。所以,紀錄片希望能夠募集至少全台灣有一百萬人觀看正負二度C紀錄片,凝聚成這個島嶼真正最強的台灣意 識,勇敢的做出改變。



The Power of Google - a benefit for all in my opinion

Enjoyed watching "Elizabeth the Golden Years" movie on TV, and being bit of history buff thought to check out the details of the Spanish Armada for historical accuracy. Google books came to mind, so searched and sure enough the site popped up. Searched Spanish Armada and a host of publications came to view, but ones I saw were copywrite so only had snippets, or teasers, to purchase. But then saw on left side a choice to restrict search for "Public Domain Only". Walla - found full text books and choose to read one published in 1806 - fully digitized by Google. What a great experience reading a book written about 200 years ago. Thanks Google!!!!!!! And also great to know the full history details of Spanish Armada defeat.

I have also been playing with Google Docs - if you haven't take some time. Really some nice features like sharing documents, uploading any document to save, or share, and it resides free on Google Server. Also found out how to send invitation form to people and have their responses show in a spreadsheet for easy reference. Have a go - I have not quite figured all of out yet but seems very useful if one has a need.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will UK TVs work in Spain?

Will UK TVs work in Spain?

Generally yes.

However the tuner inside the TVs may be different as

Spain uses VHF and UHF and the UK only UHF.

Any external equipment like DVD players, or satellite receiver will also work, as long as they are connected via a SCART, component or HDMI cables.

You may find you are unable to watch Spain analogue TV services, as they use a different frequency for

ITV Regional changes

ITV are making some changes to the ITV1 regions on freesat on Tuesday 23rd February 2010, in preparation for future service improvements. This will only affect customers who receive ITV1 Central South and Central East, and residents on the Isle of Man. Customers in these areas using freesat+ will need to re-select any ITV1 programmes scheduled to record after Tuesday 23rd February 2010. This

Satellite Frequency Settings For Sky TV in Spain

Frequency For Sky TV in Spain

A question that is asked frequency on Google is "What is the frequency for Sky TV in Spain?"

The answer is simple: you use the same frequncies for Sky TV in Spain as if you were in the UK.

UK TV abroad uses the same satellites and satellite frequencies as if you were using your Sky digibox in the UK. The UK TV channels available on Sky (of Freesat) come from the

Saturday, February 20, 2010

ACE Club Members - Charity and Community Support

Below is one example of how the ACE Club, being a nonprofit organization, gives back to the community through charities. In the picture below is copy of a letter from OPERATION SMILE describing how the donations helped one boy in particular, and assisted with funding to carry out some 360 corrective surgeries in Egypt. Thereby giving young people a new lease on life.  As a member of ACE Club I am proud to have been part of this endeavor and felt this good work by Operation Smile, supported by ACE Club, should be available to a wider audience.

(apologize for scan quality so click to open and read better).

Why some UK channels are not for free on satellite / Freesat but they are in the UK on Freeview?

Why some UK channels are not for free on satellite / Freesat but they are in the UK on Freeview?

Hardly a day goes by without someone contact me asking for the frequency for Sky Sports News on Freesat.

There is no Sky Sports News frequency for Freesat receivers.

Although Sky Sports News is available for free on Freeview in the UK, on satellite Sky Sports News is a PAY TV channel only, and

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paying Bills In Cairo - e-commerce is coming - but ever so slowly

Compared to North America, e-commerce is about 15+ years behind in Egypt. It seems only a few years ago the banks here invented telephone banking but it really did not work. Then HSBC arrived with Internet banking and man I joined this bank in heart beat.

Egyptians have a huge distrust of each other so why on earth would they trust the internet. The up and coming generation is more switch on, so likely another decade or two, before e-commerce comes of age.

Telephone Bills - Egypt telecon e-pay has been up and down like a yo yo but as of this date is working again. Egypt Telecom I can't get the multiple invoice thing to work but can pay easily with single lines. You need a local visa or master card. You will get a email receipt. A note is the land line bill now is posted monthly instead of quarterly. If you sign up for newsletter on site you are supposed to receive a invoice by email - seems this is not working at moment but was, and maybe soon, is good reminder to pay. If you miss a payment, or late, you still need to go to Telecom office to pay by cash. bummer.

ADSL - Tedata e-pay is also working.

Orbit Showtime - what a bummer these people are. Had to go to CNE office in New Maadi and waited 45 minutes for my turn as only had one person working and slow as molasses. These companies have captive market since now joined with virtually no competition being a monopoly. The anti-monopoly law here is the biggest joke ever. Maybe Al Jazzera will make a competitive entry in the market in Egypt soon.

Electric and Gas bills - will likely never change as man has to come and read meters, bring bill, collect cash etc.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Panasonic 3D camcorder, Mixer, and Field monitor

Panasonic put a price tag to their upcoming 3d camera, 3d capable mixer, and 3d field monitor!

check out the link on engadget!


p.s. I've been crazy busy lately but I'm going to finish the HDR setups soon!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Freeview vs Freesat vs Freesatfromsky vs Sky

I was asked this question earlier and I thought it may be good for here also...

"Please excuse my ignorance - but is freeview the same as freesat?"

"Freeview" is the brand name of a UK Digital TV service ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE UK. it is available via TV aerials on the houses, and is only transmitted from TV transmitters in the UK. you will need either a freeview "set top box" or a TV with freeview built in.

Freeview is not available in spain.

Freeview channels are listed at http://www.freeview.co.uk/

There are channels on freeview that you have to pay for on freesat!

Spain has its own version of "Freeview" called TDT - 30ish digital Spanish TV channels via a TV aerial...many programmes you can change the programmes into their original audio...not always English as a few German programmes have cropped up...you will need a TDT "set top box" or a TV with TDT built in.

You have "Freesat" receivers - they only have about 100 channels on their EPG at the moment. they receive "free to air" channels. Freesat receivers will have the Freesat logo on them.

Freesat Channel List

You have Sky receivers and a £20 "freesatfromsky" card, - many more channels than Freesat. They receive "free to air" channels and Five, Five US and Fiver, Sky Three, Liverpool FC TV and Viva TV ("known as "free to view" channels)

Freesat From Sky Channel List


If you have a sky receivers and want to pay monthly used for Free to air, free to veiw and subscription channels...

Sky Channel List

Note that many installers are using generic receivers (sometimes called Free To Air receivers) and calling them Freesat or Freeview receivers which may be confusing people. Official Freesat and Sky receivers have a full 7 day programme guide...generic FTA receivers only have now and next programme infomation.

Genuine Freesat recivers have the Freesat logo on them:

Note that reception of Freesat Sky and other UK TV channels depends on your location and dish size

Be wary of:

- companies offering BBC and ITV on a small dish - these can only be legitimatly received direct from the Astra 2D satellite for free via a minimun of 1.4m dish (some areas 1.8m)

- companies offering BBC and ITV for a monthly subscription - BBC and ITV are free on satellite and do not need a subscription

- companies offering "Freesat" with only 20 or 64 channels - by satellite you will recieve over 100 free tv channels, not 20 or 64. the BBC have over 15 regional variations on satellite alone

- companies offering Sky Sports for less than £36 per month or ESPN sports for less than £14 per month - the costs of legitimate subscriptions to these channels.

- companies showing other countries sports channels like Showtime

- companies saying they get BBC and ITV from a satellite (like Hotbird) other than Astra 2 - BBC and ITV are only broadcast on one "satellite constellation (those satellites at 28.2 to 28.5 degrees)

as these companies will more than likely be a rebroadcasting servies whos signal may be terminated just like Telemicro.

Some companies are jumping on the rebroadcsat switch-off bandwagon and offering inferior and poor quality "petal" satellite dishes. In my and many other installers opinion these "fortecstar" petal satellite dishes are a waste of money - one installer said that the 2.4 petal dish performed as good as a 1.4m solid dish and "avoid if you can".

If in doubt, try and find out how long the company has been installing for - check past issues of local newspapers, as since the problems with Telemicro lots of new installation companies have appeared on the scene, and offering poor dishes and receivers in an effort to make money for themselves out of the situation. Be wary of companies using just a mobile phone number, a free hotmail and gmail email addresses and free websites.


With a Sky or Freesat receiver you can get BBC interactive, Sky Active and a full 7 day programme guide. you may need a big dish, youo may pay more for the installation, but at least the signal is pretty much gaurenteed as it it a digital signal direct from the satellite and is not reliant on a third party.

Pure digital broadcasting, not reliant on second or third or fourth generation signals as the signals gets past from one rebroadcast transmitter to another. many ex rebroadcasting clients have commented on how ggod the signal direct fromt he satellite is compared to that of a rebroadcasted signal.

For more information please visit:

The Sat and PC Guy - Digital Satellite and Terrestrial Installations and Maintenance for the Costa Blanca

or the forum

The Sat and PC Guy FORUM - Digital Satellite and Terrestrial Installations and Maintenance for the Costa Blanca

Saturday, February 13, 2010

TDT in Spain - The Spanish TV version of UK Freeview

UK Freeview TV in Spain

You will not be able to receive FREEVIEW in Spain. It is impossible to get Freeview in Spain. Freeview is only available in the UK, and is only able to be received in the UK via a TV aerial. The nearest Freeview transmitter is in Cornwall, and that transmitters signal is not powerful enough to reach Spain.

UK Freeview TV in Spain

Digital Terrestrial TV in Spain - TDT

There are no UK channels available on Spain's TDT Digital Terrestrial service. TDT only has Spanish TV channels, however, on the many UK and USA imports, you are able to change the Spanish language / soundtrack to that programmes original (probably English) language / soundtrack.

Spanish TDT Channels

Depending on your locating on the Costa Blanca Spain, TDT can provide around 30 digital TV channels.

Here is a list of the channels that are available form most TDT transmitters in Spain.

La2 and Teledeporte show some UK Premiership FA and Carling Cup football, and sometimes some 3pm Saturday matches.

Sony Entertainment TV, K33/300, TV3, Disney Channel, La1, Antenna3, Neox, Nova, Quatro, La Sexta, Cinco all have the ability to transmit in English (or original language!).

TDT Channels in Spain

The big Spanish analogue TV system is slowly switched off across the country, total shutdown is expected to be the 31st March. Many main Spanish TV channels like TVE will only be available omn digital TV systems. However some smaller more local TV stations will continue to be available on analogue TV systems, but for who long....

For more information visit

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Happy New Year!祝大家 福虎添億,賺大錢。福氣啦~


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nuke customer build viewer LUT update!

以前的文章關於Nuke customer build viewer LUT, 在Nuke 5.2之後有不同的作法.
請參閱Nuke官方 Basic Worlflows colour management part3

There are two type of process: Viewer Process and Iuput Process
1: Input Process:
>add a ColorLookup node and adjust the color curve look result you want!
>disconnect the ColorLookup node from comp tree, just rename the ColorLookup node to "VIEWER_INPUT", now IP fountion turn on and all viewer result will apply the color curve.
>or don't change the name of Colorlookup, disconnect the ColorLookup node from comp tree, select the ColorLookup node and go menu Edit>Node>Use as Input Process. Now IP fountion on again. (But the down side of this way, that is hard to know which node is your Input Process!)

2:Viewer Process (create custom build viwer lookup):
>Turn off your sRGB viwerProcess to none, so Nuke viewer display the raw linear image.
>Add Colorspace node and change out to sRGB (default is Linear), or other color space you want to output, personally like gamma2.2
>If you need to change more lookup color curve, just add another ColorLookup node for example.
>If you need other image process ex:soft, just add Blur node for example.
>select Colorspace+ColorLookup+Blur nodes that you want to add the customer build viwer.
>Ctrl/Command+G to group the nodes
>To export as gizmo, click "Home" on the export window, type/.nuke/name of gizmo. (first letter of gizmo must be capital)
>register customer build viwer lookup gizmo with Python
>edit init.py with simple text editor
nuke.ViewerProcess.register("Name of display", nuke.Node, ("Name of gizmo", ""))
>restart nuke to active init.py
>now you can pick the custom viewer lookup from the list.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Maadi Expat Clubs - BCA, ACE, Rugby

Update - final open house will be March 5 & 6 for club visit, enjoy drink, food, people and join if you wish. After these dates access will only be to members. Bring your passport(s) to join - cost I understand is 600 LE per individual or 1200 LE per family.

British Community Assocation (BCA), Association of Cairo Expatriates(ACE), and Rugby Club all now exist in Maadi, basically within walking distance of each other.

Details and links of these clubs, and others can be found at Expat Oasis Website at this link.

Click on map to enlarge

BCA is latest addition and Club House is under renovation but many enjoyed the inagural open house.

Opening was very well recieved as pics show

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


台大演講 腳本與分鏡 講者:黎文狄 美術總監 (香港商壹傳媒動畫 (Next Media Animation)