Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to read your Egyptian electric bill

Expats can get frustrated trying to figure out there monthly electric bill (as well as Egyptians). Thought it useful to explain by pictures. Arabic numbers are read left to right just as in english. Knowing why the cost is what it is, well that is another exercise

Knowing the numbers is fundamental

Here is an older electric bill from Sept 2008, with anotations to expain the various elements of the bill. Hopefully this help some newbies and longer term expats as well.

In picture above KW should read kWh (killowatt per hour).

Note: If you are home when bill arrives and you pay it, man will give you both halves.
If not home, he will leave small half of bill someplace. If wind blows it away - tough luck - you still are required to pay it. However, the electric man may make another attempt to find you home.

If the "current reading" has arabic writing and no numbers, if means they could not get a reading as no one was home and therefore your bill is an estimate till next time.

Important - if you do not pay the electric bill for say 3 months they will come over and cut the wires and you have a helluva time to get reconnected.

The charge/kWh will vary between houses as seems the more you use the higher the LE/kWh. I am going to do a bit of survey and see what this trend seems to be.

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