Monday, March 10, 2008

SA Blog Awards - Technology Finalists Review

Firstly, let me apologise for taken a bit longer than expected to publish the next review of a group of SA Blog Awards finalists. There have been many reasons for the delay, some out of my control.
Secondly, let me say that I will be staying out of the debate about the legitimacy or otherwise of the SA Blog Awards. Let's give those nominees their moment to bask in the glory of their nominations.

Today's reviews will be those nominated in the category ...

Best SA Blog about Technology / Computers / Web Development
[Best South African technology focused weblog]

  • : Although the name rang no bells I have the feeling I may have popped over to Nobox Media from time to time. I found the masthead particularly impressive. It captures yourattention and draws you into the page. NoboxMedia is a blog produced by a group of developers showcasing their Ajax, DHTML and Javascript scripts. They present the ideas and designs in an easy to read fashion. Not only to they present their own scripts but also little (and not little) gems they have found on the web. Those of you involved on any level with the design and/or implementation of anything web or browser based will find this is a great read.

  • : Again, imod finds itself in a category that perhaps it doesn't strictly belong. Sure Chris covers tech related stories relatively frequently, but while this is one step closer to a good home for imod when compared the Best Entertainment Blog category, I wouldn't necessarily class this as a blog about technology, computers or web development. Obviously it's supporters think otherwise. Having said that, you could do worse than to use as a source to ensure that you know what going on on the web, all written in an easy going, relaxed style. A regular reading of this blog will keep you in the know.
  • : Bandwidthblog is part of blogger extraordinaire Charl Norman's impressive blog and website stable. Bandwidth blog has a feel of authenticity which emanates as a result of it being written by someone who has been able to make Web 2.0 his bread and butter. Charl has a deep knowledge and interest in social networking and if you want to keep up with what's hot and happening in this space, bandwidthblog should be added to your subscription list.

  • : Stii Pretorius is another one of SA's Web2.0 rockstars. is his conduit to share his interests, news views with those willing to read them. Like, is more or a personal blog, with a heavy leaning towards his passion tech and web design. Having said that, reading this blog gives you an appreciation for and a greater understanding of the recent developments in the SA webspace. In my opinion this page comes out tops in design. It's simple yet interesting and appealing.

  • : "cause gadgets are kiff" By their own admission, Nudjit should not really be on this year's list, been a too recent an addition to the SA blogosphere. Nevertheless, here they are. Nudjit, is probably best described as an SA version of the monstrous It's perhaps overdue for SA to have a central repository of news and reviews of gadget from a local perspective, written by people who's opinion matter. Gregor Rohrig, Justin Hartman and Nicholas Haralambous have created what is sure to become SA's premier tech related site.

  • : This is the online outlet for another of South Africa's online heavyweights. While, I don't think you will necessarily find any 'breaking news' here, reading Vincent's views and perspectives of tech developments local and international is invaluable. The page design is simple and quirky, and I enjoy the personal photos under the masthead, reminding us exactly what a blog is supposed to be.

  • : I started reading Tectonic before I even knew it was a blog, probably before I knew what a blog was. Tectonic is a world class source for news of anything open source. The content here is always up to date, if not news breaking and written by writers seriously in the know. In the seven or so years it has been in existence it has grown to be probably a must read for anyone delving into the world of open source software.

  • : Another of my regular reads. Adii is a self proclaimed, "Wordpress rockstar." Adii is a successful designer of Wordpress templates. As such his writings on the developments in the Wordpress world are respected. He is not shy of speaking his mind it's been insightful reading about the 'going's on' in the community from his perspective. As an added bonus he has some of his designs available for download. It must be said that the current header at does not resonate with me, the overall look though is extremely useable and easy on the eye.

  • : Andy Hadfield's Cowboys and Engines is a new blog to me. Andy calls himself a Web 2.0ist and, like all the other finalists is someone who would be classed as an industry insider. The unassuming layout masks the informative nature of this blog, on a diverse set of tech related topics.

  • : Yet another SA web rock star. Mike is one of the pioneers of the SA's web 2.0 movement. His blog looks at the big tech developments and invariably pulls them back home, giving us an understanding of they mean for us, here, locally. Another blog that should at least be on your list of favourites if not in your reader, if you are remotely interested in anything to do with the web.

My prediction :
  • This is an extremely tough one to call, as while there are many finalists that have impressive readership figures, these readers do not necessarily have any stake in the SA blogosphere and will therefore not feel obliged to spend the couple of minutes required to cast a vote. is going to take some beating next year, but I am going to suggest that BandwidthBlog will take the crown this year.
  • Eish's pick :

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