Sunday, November 13, 2011

Filmmaker Michael Moore's $2m Torch Lake Vacation Mansion in a 99% White Community

Michael Moore's $2 Million Michigan Vacation Mansion

Michael Moore: "Capitalism did nothing for me.  The system is not set up to help somebody from the working class."

Andrew Breitbart: "Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has been touring Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the country urging activists to continue their fight against the wealthy “one percent” of Americans.

According to public tax records, Moore owns a massive vacation home on Torch Lake, Michigan–one of the most elite communities in the United States–in addition to his posh Manhattan residence. Through an independent source, Big Hollywood has obtained exclusive photographs of the house matching the address of Moore’s waterfront mansion (see samples above). It is the kind of luxurious summer home that 99 percent of Americans can only dream of owning (estimated value = $2 million).

In addition, according to statistics from 2009, Forest Home Township [where Torch Lake is located] has no black residents. The township is roughly 98 percent white. Call that 99 percent, and Moore’s claim to be among “the 99 percent” begins to have some basis in reality."

Update: See Henry Payne's excellent article in the Detroit News "Occupy Michael Moore: His opulent Michigan lake estate."

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