Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update- Drama of Re-License Larger CC Engine, Cairo, Egypt

We have a 9 year old Jeep Cherokee with 4000 cc engine. By new traffic law, engines above 2000 cc are subject to a re license fee at 2% of Vehicles assessed value. The Jeep is in my Egyptian wife's name, so off she went to Maadi Traffic Police to get the deed done.

After buying insurance for 150 LE (can anyone explain what this insurance is good for?), getting papers filled, buying stamps etc etc for about another 60 LE she went to pay any fines. Only to be advised the fines were 2500LE!!!!!!!!!. They would not provide any details (secret I guess) but did offer she had 2 parking tickets each at 500 LE each?????????. Anyway as all things in Egypt are negotiable, they settled at 570LE.

Next was tax for 1200 LE for 2 years. But, as they did not know value of vehicles yet, would only provide a 3 month car license as tax may change - they meant increase. All in all, cost was near enough 3000 LE all done, for 2 years but like I said has to return again in 3 months to see if any additional charges are due and then maybe get the license for remaining time. She did get the new blue and white license plates though.

So after 3 hours at this place of designed chaos, she finally had a legal vehicle for 3 months. Oh ya! also she bought a triangle and first aid kit for 25 LE, and 45 LE respectively. Bye the way, other customers at the Maadi Chaos center mentioned this Maadi Traffic place was so much better than other areas. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!

The drama does not end here.

A week later while on Lasilky street she had to go through a traffic police check point. To be advised the chrome front bumper guard was not allowed. Had been on truck for 9 years. She advised (or argued) that she just had the Jeep re licensed and they never said anything. He said to go back and gave her a receipt for the car license for one week's time.

We then got the bumper removed and she went back to land of chaos. Only to be told the chrome guards on back lights were not allowed. They had words like #*()^^^@### and she left in a huff. We got these removed also and now Jeep looks like a naked spirit of it's former self. But she got her car license after paying 46 LE fine.

I will continue the saga after she goes back in 3 months.

Well, 3 months past and after 2 1/2 hours at the Chaos traffic place, got the license renewed for 1 more year. So next year have to return ,as paid for 2 years, so will need to renew for another 9 months. Will the authorities ever figure out the new law on how to tax vehicles over 2000 cc or just give up and ignore it.

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