Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Vuvuzela's to be banned for 2010

At a news conference this morning, FIFA and the local 2010 organising announced that the iconic, but noisy vuvuzela, a plastic air horn, will be banned from the stadia for the duration of the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
Citing safety concerns as well as the potential to effect the broadcasting of the games spokesman Fal Linfrit said the decision was not just a difficult, but painful as the vuvuzela has become such an integral part of the football landscape in South Africa.
This is not the first time the vuvuzela has been banned from an event and of particular concern was the problem that emergency announcements would not be able to be heard should there be a situation where the crowds need to be informed of evacuation procedures. Of lesser concern was the problem broadcasters would face with the noise levels affecting the commentary of the games and even affecting the number of television viewers.

Update : Yes, this is April Fool's post. Click on the 'You are an April fool' link below to see the past year's attempts at fooling the blogosphere. Interestingly unbeknown to Eish!! this year's 'brainwave' was actually a true story till halfway through last year. Check the story here.

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